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Tobias Bernstrup / Palle Torsson
Museum Meltdown


Moderna Museet / Modern Museum
May 22nd - August 19th 1999 

Moderna Museet have pleasure to present the exhibition Museum Meltdown by Palle Torsson and Tobias Bernstrup. 

Moderna Museet has been invaded by mutant monsters. As a visitor you are drawn into a nightmare. Armed with a crowbar and shotguns a bloody fight for survival begins. Unfortunately, monsters are not the only threat, government military forces has arrived to the museum to "clean up", and the are shooting at anything that moves including you...

Museum Meltdown is a virtual representation of Moderna Museet based on the computer game Half-Life. Your reality is reduced to a central perspective of violence - where ever your cross hair aims, the artworks and all living creatures are targets for your destructive gaze. 

Torsson and Bernstrup has collaborated before in several projects e.i. representations of the Contemporary Art Center of Vilnius in Lithuania 1997and Arken Museum of Modern Art in Copenhagen 1996.

Welcome to preview on Thursday 20th at 6-8 pm
The Artist will present the exhibition at 6.30 pm
Drinks will be served.

Box 16382 SE-103 27 Stockholm Sweden
Tel. +46 8 519 552 00 Fax. +46 8 519 552 10